Light Up the Dark

Humanity must find a way to survive and rebuild civilization in the wake of a magical apocalypse that leaves the world in a pre-industrial state. The long maligned supernatural community, made up of witches, shifters and human mages offers the best chance of rebuilding, but they aren't willing to keep being oppressed by the non-magical humans who fear them. The two communities must find a way to peacefuully work together and coexist, or darkness will fully consume them all. Humanity has a chance to rebuild a better world this time, but will they take it before it's too late?

Books in the Series:

  • Triune Soul Trilogy:
  • Darkness Rising
  • Hunting Darkness


Lords and Ladies of Bri Leith

Driven underground by the rise of the Age of Man, beyond Ireland’s mists, the Tuatha de Danan still live and play. But eternity can get lonely without someone to call your own.

The novels in this series are loosely connected as the characters move in and out of each others’ lives and stories. They are listed in the suggested reading order below, but each novel can stand alone.

  • Reason to Remember
  • Killing Me Softly
  • Captured Worlds