A Publishing Journey

Getting a book ready to go to market is proving to be really interesting.  Darkness Falling is actually the second book I’ve completed writing, but the first I’ve moved forward with publishing.  I’d never considered self-or-indie publishing, until I realized how many independent authors I was reading and enjoying, particularly in the romance genre, and almose exclusively in MM romance. These authors were publishing delightful stories that sucked me in as much, if not nmore than, any traditionally published romance. In particular, I loved the greater freedom offered and the idea that, if a traditional publisher might not take a risk, I could. 

“Well, yeah, but everyone says triads are the most balanced unions, so, we need someone to unionize with.” Mike blinks at my wildly inaccurate use of ‘unionize,’ so I correct myself. “Unite with. Biblically.”

I loved the idea of being able to tell the stories I wanted to tell in the way I wanted to tell them. Still, I didn’t quite know what to expect on the way to launching Darkness Falling. I was lucky eniugh to connect with fsbulous mentors who helped me along the way and kept me pushing forward, from my first efforts during NanoWriMo to now, a week before I launch Darkness Falling. 

I was worried about the editing process, that my vision would somehow be negated, but the amazing editors I worked with at All Write Well, in particular, were dedicated, rather, to helping me make my vision the best it could be. 

This story is one that’s been in my head for years, now, and I’m so pleased to finally have at least the first part out and being shared with the world. I’m hard at work at the second part, and, even though it’s a lot darker, finding all the moments of joy along the way keeps me going!



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